Load shedding = cutting off the electrical current on certain lines when the power becomes greater than the supply.
Load shedding transformer is defined as it will convert 3-phase supply to 1-phase supply.
Hence it is used to convert agriculture feeder power supply from 3-phase to 1-phase during 16-hours when demand becomes greater than the available power supply.
When the demand becomes greater than the available power supply, at that time the load shedding becomes necessary.
Hence load shedding transformer performed dual duties. It is used for shedding the load as well as it is
provided a 1-phase power supply to consumers.
As shown in the figure outgoing underground cable is contained 3-phase supply during some time when agriculture consumers requires 3-phase power supply at that time period load shedding transformer is disconnected from agricultural feeder & 3-phase is directly connected to the change over switch at the dotted position.
Hence 3-phase & 1-phase is available at the secondary of distribution transformer.
During the remaining time demand become greater than the available power supply at that time position
of the switch will be changed & now load shedding transformer is connected in the system.
After the invention of LST , theft of power supply is totally disappeared on agriculture feeder.
Vary large number of working class families residing at the site of Agr. They get the continuous 1-phase supply.
It is used for shedding the load, when demand is greater than the available power supply.
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