The Stockbridge damper targets oscillations due to aeolian vibration; it is less effective outside this amplitude and frequency range.
Aeolian vibration is nothing but wind-induced oscillation which has an amplitude of millimeters to centimeters and a frequency of 3 to 150 Hz.
Aeolian vibration causes damaging stress fatigue to the cable.
It causes failure of conductor strands.
It is connected at two end of the transmission power line span.
The vibration damper has a length of steel messenger cable.
Two metallic weights are attached to the ends of the messenger cable.
The center clamp, which is attached to the messenger cable, is used to install the vibration damper onto the overhead conductor.
When the damper is placed on a vibrating conductor, the movement of the weights will produce bending of the steel strand.
The bending of the strand causes the individual wires of the strand to rub together, thus dissipating energy.
The size and shape of the weights and the overall geometry of the damper influence the amount of energy that will be dissipated for specific vibration frequencies.
Since, as presented earlier, a span of tensioned conductor will vibrate at a number of different resonant frequencies under the influence of a range of wind velocities, an effective damper design must have the proper response over the range of frequencies expected for a specific conductor and span parameters.
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