Answer: (B) leading.
Voltage across capacitor is more than inductor means, capacitive reactance of the network is more than inductive reactance. Therefore the power factor is leading.
Some Points About RLC Circuit
Power in RLC Series AC Circuits. cosϕ=RZ. thus cosϕ is called the power factor, which can range from 0 to 1.
A series RLC circuit is one the resistor, inductor and capacitor are connected in series across a voltage supply. The resulting circuit is called series RLC circuit.
At resonance in series RLC circuit, two reactances become equal and cancel each other. So in resonant series RLC circuit, the opposition to the flow of current is due to resistance only.
In a series RC circuit connected to an AC voltage source, voltage and current have a phase difference of ϕ , where cosϕ=R√R2+(1ωC)2 c o s ϕ = R R 2 + ( 1 ω C ) 2 . cosϕ is called the power factor.