Battery rated in ampere hour not in Volt ampere. Why?


1. Battery is a device which is stores DC voltage.

2. Battery stores electric charges in form of chemical energy and converted them into electrical energy when needed.

3. There are three types of power in our system.

4. Apparent power which has a unit of VA(volt amp).

5. True Power which has a unit of watts.

6. Reactive power which has a unit in (VARS-Volt amp reactive).

7. These all three power factors used only for the AC circuit.

8. Battery is DC and having a unity power factor because DC has not frequency.

9. So in the case of battery we only interested in an ampere rating for a specific time.

10. So the battery is rated in AH, not in wh(VA)

Some interesting calculation for battery 

If 4 nos of 12V, 200AH batteries are connected in series then total Ah & Voltage of batteries?

A. 12V, 800Ah

B. 48V, 200Ah

C. 48V, 800Ah

D. none Of above 

Ans: B. 48V, 200 Ah 

Explanation :

Here given that 

Battery Nos = 4 batteries 

Each battery Voltage = 12V 

Each battery Ah = 200Ah 

Battery Connected = In series 

In a battery, the series formula is given below

V=V1 + V2 + V3+ .......... + Vn

In the case of series connection battery Ah remains the same and battery Voltage is additive.

here battery connected in series so battery Voltage is 

V= V1 + V2 + V3 + V4

V = 12 + 12 + 12 +12 

V= 48 V 

In series connection of Battery Ah remain the same 200Ah 

so here ans is 48V, 200Ah  

If the above battery are connected in parallel then 

I=I1 + I2 + I3 + I4 

I= 200 + 200 + 200 + 200 

I= 800Ah 

In the case of parallel connection, Current means Battery Ah additive and voltage remain the same.

Good to Know :

If the battery connected in series then the battery Discharge slowly.

If the battery connected in parallel then the battery Discharge quickly.

If the battery is connected in series and two or more bulbs connected with this connection bulb dimmer because the voltage not remain the same for each battery.

If the battery is connected in parallel and two or more bulbs are connected with this connection bulb Britten because Voltage remains the same for each battery.

In 110V DC voltage system, 55 Nos of 2V, 100Ah cell are connected in series so total system voltage becomes 110V and ampere capacity remains 100Ah, this system mostly used in 66Kv substation for protection system. 

In series, connections have only one current path.

In parallel connections have two or more current paths.

Do not short positive and negative terminal of the battery to avoid short circuit and explosion in the battery.

Do Not try to recharge non-rechargeable battery cells. 

Don't try to connect the battery directly to the AC supply. If we connect the battery directly to AC supply Blast occurs in the battery. Which causes serious injury.

 Battery rated in Ah (Ampere hour).

Charging time of 200Ah battery is?

A. 12.8 hours

B. 13.0 hours

C. 14.0 hours

D. 12.7 hours

Ans: D. 12.7 hours


Here given that 

battery Ah ratting = 200Ah 

charging current of battery should be 10 % of Ah ratting 

so Charging current=200 * 10/100

                                    = 200 * 0.1 

                                    = 20 A 

Due to Some losses we take more Amp 20-22A 

If we Take 22A for charging purpose of battery 

Formula for charging time T = battery Ah / battery charging Amp

Here is given that 

battery Ah= 200Ah and battery charging Amp =22A 

Charging Time T = 200 / 22  =9.09 hrs 

this is only for the ideal case 

But in actual case 40 % or more losses occurred in battery charging 

so battery Ah = 200 * 40 % losses during charging time 

                         = 200 * 40 / 100

                        = 80 Ah 

so 80Ah increased due to losses 

so now total Ah = 200Ah + 80 Ah

                             = 280 Ah 

Now battery Charging time = battery Ah / Charging current 

                                                  = 280 / 22 

                                                  = 12.7 hours 

So the time required for battery charging is 12.7 hours  

Good to Know :

  • Battery stores potential energy in form of potential energy when required it converted into electrical DC power.
  • The battery Has two-terminal one is the positive terminal and the other is the negative terminal. The positive terminal is known as the cathode terminal and the negative terminal known as the Anode terminal.
  • There are Active and passive components in our system and the battery is the active component.
  • The service life of the battery is 5-10 years only.
  • Battery cell polarity charged during charging and discharging cycle.
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