What is key difference between Power transformer and Distribution transformer ?


Power Transformer 

1. Power transformer used for step up and step down the high voltages in transmission network and generation system. power transformer having ratting above 200MVA. Power transformer used for 220Kv, 132 Kv, 400Kv, 66kv voltage class etc.

2. Power transformer having one primary winding and one secondary winding.

3. Power transformer operated at full load condition.

4. Performance of power transformer is analyzed by commercial efficiency of maximum efficiency because the transformer is designed to work at full load

5. the ratting of the high-power transformer is many times higher than the distribution transformer.

6. In the power transformer primary winding is connected in star and the secondary winding is connected in the delta.

7. In substations, end of the transmission line, the connection of power transformer are star-delta which is step down the voltage from the higher level to low level.

8. At the start point of the transmission line, the transformer used is the delta star which is steps up the supply voltage from the lower level to a higher level.

9. Power transformer having a higher flux density than the distribution transformer.

Distribution Transformer 

1. Distribution transformers are used to step down the supply voltage from a higher level to a lower level only. Distribution transformer having the ratting below the 200 MVA. Distribution transformer is used for 11kV, 6.6Kv, 3.3 Kv, 440V & 230V voltage class.

2. Distribution transformer having one primary winding and one divided or tapped, two or more secondary winding.

3.  Distribution transformers are operated at light load during the full day.

4.Performance of distribution transformer is jugged by all-day efficiency of the transformer because distribution transformer is designed to operate at 60-70 % of the load.

5.Distribution transformer having very lower ratting than the power transformer.

6. In distribution transformer primary winding are connected in delta and the secondary winding is connected in star.

7. Only delta star connection used in the Distribution transformer for step down the supply voltage from a higher level to a lower level.

8. Distribution transformer having lower flux density than power transformers.

9. Distribution transformers are mostly used for supplying load to our home appliances.

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