Primary Winding of Potential transformer having

A. Large Number of Turn 

B. Small Number of Turn 

C. No Turn

D. None of above  

Ans : Large Number of Turn 


Potential Transformer Having Large Number of turn in primary Side and very less number of turn on secondary side.

In case of Current transformer Primary Side having very less number of turns and Secondary side having very large number of turn.

Potential transformer also used for measurement of very large voltage . Potential transformer stepping down very large voltage to 110V which can be measure easily by voltmeter.

This Transformer design is same as power transformer but accuracy is main consideration for Potential transformer.

Potential transformer having larger core and conductor size compared to power transformer.

There are two types of potential transformer are used 

 A Shell type Transformer used for Low voltage measurement and core type used for high voltage measurement. 

The oil immersed potential transformer used for the voltage level above 7KV.

This transformer Treated at parallel transformer under open circuit secondary .

In case of Current Transformer in can be treated as series transformer under short circuit conditions. 

In case of Current transformer secondary should be always short circuited and in case of potential transformer secondary is nearly under open circuited conditions.

In case of current transformer very small voltage exist across its terminals because its connected in series.

In case of Voltage transformer full line voltage appear across its terminal because its connected in parallel.

In case of current transformer winding carries full line current and in case of potential transformer winding is impressed with full line voltage. 

In case of current transformer Primary current is independent of the secondary circuit conditions and in case of potential transformer primary current depends on the secondary circuit conditions.

Good To Know 

A 66000V : 110v potential Transformer is used along with voltmeter reading 90 V , estimate the value of the line voltage or Primary Voltage.

Here is given that 

Potential Transformer ratio = 66000 / 110 v 

so V1 / V2 = 66000 /110 V 

here secondary voltage V2= 90V 


V1 / V2 = 66000 /110 

V1 /90 = 600

V1 = 600 * 90 

V1 = 54000 V 

V1 = 54KV 

here primary  voltage is 54 Kv 

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