Charging current of 200Ah battery is ?

A. 12.8 hours

B. 13.0 hours

C. 14.0 hours

D. 12.7 hours

Ans: D. 12.7 hours


Here given that 

battery Ah ratting = 200Ah 

charging current of battery should be 10 % of Ah ratting 

so Charging current=200 * 10/100

                                    = 200 * 0.1 

                                    = 20 A 

Due to Some losses we take more Amp 20-22A 

If we Take 22A for charging purpose of battery 

Formula for charging time T = battery Ah / battery charging Amp

Here is given that 

battery Ah= 200Ah and battery charging Amp =22A 

Charging Time T = 200 / 22  =9.09 hrs 

this is only for ideal case 

But in actual case 40 % or more losses occurred in battery charging 

so battery Ah = 200 * 40 % losses during charging time 

                         = 200 * 40 / 100

                        = 80 Ah 

so 80Ah increased due to losses 

so now total Ah = 200Ah + 80 Ah

                             = 280 Ah 

Now battery Charging time = battery Ah / Charging current 

                                                  = 280 / 22 

                                                  = 12.7 hours 

So time required for battery charging is 12.7 hours  

Good to Know :

  • Battery store potential energy in form of potential energy  when required it converted into electrical DC power.
  • Battery Have two terminal one is positive terminal and other is negative terminal. Positive terminal known as cathode terminal and negative terminal known as Anode terminal.
  • There are Active and passive component in our system and battery is active component.
  • Service life of battery is 5-10 years only.
  • Battery cell polarity charged during charging and discharging cycle.

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